Thursday, July 7, 2011

Joe Haden for Mayor

Confession time, I love Joe Haden. Not platonically, I mean like passionate, sweaty, feeling secure in his embrace love. This guy is all over the place. He's in Beachwood buying random people lunch at Sushi Rock, he attends every major Cleveland sports event in full uniform (Browns included, lol, right guyz!?!?) and he just seems to be the antithesis of everything that flew south last summer. NOW Joseph is going to be hanging with the Cavs #1 draft pick at a Drake show...

Kyrie Irving
I think is going to be in Cleveland on the 22nd...please believe ill be there with the bro ...yessir!!
2 hours ago via webFavorite Retweet Reply
This reminds me of the days when Kenny Lofton would invite Michael Jackson to Indians games and sit him first row in center field. Or when Joey Belle would have Shawn Kemp over to his house to take Shawn's kids trick or treating and then proceed to run them over with his car. I digress.
Joe Haden is a breath of fresh air and I can't wait to see him back on the field once this lockout ends. In the meantime I'll take him coming over my mom's house to wash her car BECAUSE HE WOULD TOTALLY DO THAT.

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