Saturday, July 2, 2011

Jamison talks about what he experienced during the previous lockout.

In an article posted on, Antawn Jamison discusses coming into the league as a rookie during the 1998 lockout.  The article turns into a sob story about the difficulties of going months without basketball, not knowing what he had gotten himself into, not being mentally prepared for it, and how he was affected by it the entire season.  Jamison goes on to say that this time around the players are better organized and more prepared. 

Antawn Jamison is one of the most humble and respectable players in the game today, but it is important for all players to recognize their audience during interviews.  It is not easy for the average NBA fan to relate to a dispute between billionaire owners and millionaire players.  Especially, during an economic recession, a well paid professional athlete should be careful throwing around phrases like "it was the worst ever." 

What it comes down to is that the NBA is still a business, and both sides want the largest portion of revenues possible.  Hopefully, sooner than later, the lockout will be resolved without damaging the growing popularity of the sport and alienating the fans.

For the full article follow the link to

1 comment:

  1. "this is worse than a Hiroshima full of AIDS times the Haiti earthquake"
    -Antawn Jamison
