Monday, July 11, 2011

Hines Ward is a Pittsburgh Steeler

Hines Ward busted for drunk driving.

Least surprising thing ever, right? I mean honestly we should give him a medal for not raping anyone while drunk driving...
...or for beating his girlfriend like an out of control head-hunting psychopath...
Everyone likes to poke fun at the Bengals for being a team full of criminals, but honestly as far as despicable crimes go the Pittsburgh Steelers have the corner on the market. Luckily for Hines the Pittsburgh fans have the shortest memories of any sports fans anywhere, ever. It's true that in Cleveland we coddle our players and turn a blind eye to idiocy from our players (and their mothers, *ahem*), but would we really accept a rapist back? I'd say no. Donte Stallworth got cut from the team for the manslaughter thing, but when Harrison beat his girlfriend the Pittsburgh organization said it was a personal matter. You may say "Whoa, slow down handsome, your giant penis is sucking the blood away from your brain, Stallworth took a man's life! None of the idiotic misanthropes on the Steelers killed anyone!" When has killing a man ever been an issue for an AFC North player?
The idiotic degenerate Steelers fans welcomed their mailbox headed hero back with open arms after his miniscule suspension for a crime that should have landed him in jail. As long as he's winning games he's not a rapist, right Pittsburgh? Well.... perhaps they just don't care that he's a rapist. Maybe in the dank hell hole that is Pittsburgh rape is like a crying baby here. You aren't crazy about it, but it doesn't really bother you enough to make a big deal out of it.

I digress. I guess where I'm going with this is that Hines Ward should be excused for his bad behavior. Are people expecting a Steeler to not be a Steeler? Can you tell a Clevelander not to be a genius? No and no.

Quick recap:
The Steelers offensive stars:
Ben Roethlisberger - Rapist
Hines Ward - Drunk driver, consistently ranked one of the dirtiest players in the league
Rashard Mendenhall - Osama Bin Laden apologist and 9/11 conspiracist

Defensive star:
James Harrison - Hits women

It's unshocking that Steelers fans are some of the scummiest, most disgusting rednecks to ever gulp their horrifying dying fish breaths on the face of the earth. Pittsburgh is a disgusting cesspool where philistines breed and live. It is the exact opposite in every way of the cultural oasis of higher learning, tolerance, and beauty that is Cleveland. Go Browns.


  1. A friend of mine once described Steelers fans as "mouth breathing mountain folk that smell like sticky buns". Please send this article to friends in Pittsburgh. Of course you'll need to print it out, attach it to a mail pigeon and request that the town's medicine man/chief pedophile read it to the rest of the neandrathals since they don't have computers.

  2. I'm picturing the medicine man/chief pedophile as Wez from the road warrior.
