Wednesday, July 6, 2011

5 reasons why Dwight Howard should come to Cleveland.

There are a lot of rumors floating around about Orlando looking to move Dwight Howard before his contract expires next year. I guess they don't want to get Lebroned by Howard and have nothing to show for it.  Everyone is throwing around places like Los Angeles, Chicago, New Jersey, and even the Bay Area has been added to the conversation recently.  The ideal situation for the All-Star NBA center could be in Cleveland and here are the reasons why:

Trepal Photography 
1.  State-of-the-art facilities.  Cleveland Clinic Courts building is a high tech practice and training facility, with the luxury and comfort of a woodland retreat.  The site features two main practice courts, a 3,000 square foot weight room, player lounge, kitchen, theater, hydrotherapy room, medical exam rooms linked to the Cleveland Clinic, and offices overlooking the wooded surroundings.  For a virtual tour follow the link to

Cavs fans in Snuggies! Cult meeting following the game. 
2.  The Fans.  Cleveland fans are the best around.  If Cleveland had a water polo team (do we? I have no idea),  the city would show up to support it.  Our star athletes, the few we have had, are completely idolized.  There is no where else a professional athlete will feel more embraced by the community.  We remember the Lebron circus, with children and adults crying over his departure. Cleveland fans are loyal and get attached to their players.  Dwight come spend the prime of your career in a city where you will be absolutely loved.  

3.  Young athletic team.  With the moves the Cavs have made recently, they are getting younger and more athletic.  Kyrie Irving with star point guard potential, Tristan Thompson an explosive high energy player, and Omri Casspi a small forward with size that can stretch the defense with his shooting, would flourish with the inside scoring and defensive abilities of Howard.  If the Cavs could also pull in a high scoring shooting guard in free agency like J.R. Smith, Jamal Crawford, Jason Richardson, or Michael Redd (we have been talking about him for years), the team could be highly competitive this year. 

4.  Proven coach.  Byron Scott has had success in the NBA as a player and coach.  He has won multiple championships playing with the Lakers and in his last year as a professional player he won a championship for the Greek team Panathinaikos.  As a coach Scott took over two struggling teams, the Nets and the Hornets, and turned the franchises around.  He took the Nets to the NBA Finals and the Hornets to the second round of the NBA Playoffs.  He is also known for developing and bringing the best out of his point guards.  Kyrie Irving under Scott's guidance could become a great distributor for a center like Howard.

5.  One of the best owners in professional sports.  Dan Gilbert is willing to do whatever it takes to bring a championship to the Cavs and the city of Cleveland.  He has taken a holistic approach to improving his Cavaliers franchise, from building the best facilities for his team to investing in the city itself.  He also caters to his star athletes, as we all know, which would allow Howard to be very involved in team operations.  There is not another NBAowner out there more dedicated to winning than Dan Gilbert.

Dwight Howard to the Cavs may be more fantasy than anything else, but Cleveland will always be a better destination than Detroit.

1 comment:

  1. I will publicly poop my pants and then bathe in it if Dwight Howard becomes a Cavalier! ahhhh!!
